
  • 98.41%
    Average employee retention rate was

  • 75,411
    hours of training

  • €31 mil.
    Total benefits to employees exceeded

  • 3,460
    employees in the Group

  • 16.36%
    the average of women’s participation in positions of responsibility


Maintaining Employment

Why is it material ?

Employability, retention and creation of new jobs are a strategic choice of the Group, aiming to achieve growth and improve performance in all fields, directly or indirectly linked to the Group’s activities.

Concurrently, the Group aims at creating a modern working environment combining stability, consistency, the adoption of innovative working methods, the ability to resolve problems and adaptability to change. This way, the required conditions are secured in order for the Group to be able to respond effectively to the constantly changing environment in the Energy sector.

Our approach

The Group’s corporate policies and practices prioritise enhancing the skills of our employees, balancing professional and personal life, and developing team spirit and co-operation.

To this end, the Group provides an excellent working environment and applies a comprehensive system for developing and managing its human resources by means of collective labour agreements and internal work regulations, competitive remuneration and benefits, opportunities for advancement and development, awards, employee performance assessments, traineeship and employment programs for university students, an internal training system, and encouraging employees to undertake various roles depending on their knowledge, experience and capabilities.

Communication and open dialogue form the basis of a constructive relationship with our employees. The Group has implemented an open door policy in order to increase cooperation, efficiency and mutual respect.

Our ambition

Our ambition is to create conditions that ensure that the Group will always be a first-choice employer, whilst showcasing the employee of the future: an excellent professional, driven by values such as creativity, industriousness, willingness to learn, integrity, good judgment and morality.

The Group, now and in the future, is strongly committed to realizing this vision through:

  • Meritocratic systems for attracting and evaluating personnel
  • The Provision of equal opportunities for all to enhance the skills related to their tasks and stay up to date with developments in the field of energy.
  • Opportunities for advancement, without any discrimination (e.g. as to gender, age, origin, religion, nationality etc.)

The Group’s leading position in the market is is due to its ability to attract and retain the most capable employees, in accordance with its principles and values. The Group strives to provide a work environment that is safe and motivates our employees, while ensuring that people are treated with respect and are given equal opportunities to develop their skills and advance their career.

Equal Opportunities Policy

The relationship between the personnel and the Group is based on the principle of equal treatment. Both the hiring and the advancement of each employee within the Group are based on his/her qualifications, performance and aspirations, with no discrimination whatsoever.

Our commitments to our employees:

  • Ensuring health & safety
  • Quality of life
  • Lifelong learning
  • Maintenance of jobs
  • Performance evaluation
  • Provision of incentives
  • Equal opportunities policy

Prevention & protective measures
against COVID-19

In 2020, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a holistic program to prevent and address pandemic-related issues was adopted, presented in detail in the “Health & Safety” chapter. The actions listed below, which were taken during the pandemic, relate to practices for protecting and informing workers:

  • Establishment of a Group Prevention Policy for the transmission of the virus and the compliance with the protection measures for the employees of all Group’s companies.
  • Introduction of Remote Work, for employees who can work remotely.
  • Upgrading of the Digital Communication Services of the Group, constantly improving the tools that make cooperation with colleagues and associates easier and safer.
  • Development of a special website, exclusively for COVID-19 issues, for the Group’s employees in Greece, with the aim of being constantly informed about the updates of the Group’s Coronavirus Policy, special Teleworking instructions, State announcements, covid cases as well as posts advisory on the management of problems caused by the pandemic, for workers and their families.
  • Setting-up of a new communication service where employees can address queries arising from the pandemic on matters such as labour issues, safety, preventive measures, etc., with communication confidentiality guaranteed.

19 issues “NEA-19” (“NEWS-19”)

Special edition (Newsletter) with the Group news regarding COVID-19, exclusively for the Group’s employees in Greece. The newsletters are posted on the internal group network (Intranet) and on the special website

Human Rights

The Group monitors applicable labour legislation (national, European, ILO), including matters related to working conditions and respect for human rights, and fully complies with collective and relevant international labour conventions. The Group’s employees are free to participate in labour unions and professional associations.

The average rate of total employees covered by collective labour agreements is 75% (see
indicator 102-41 ). There are nine representative labour unions in the companies of the Group, which co-sign a corporate collective agreement (E.S.S.E.) with each company respectively, through which the terms of remuneration are determined for the employees who are included.

  • 75%

    average rate of total employees covered by collective labour agreements

  • 9

    representative labour unions

Group employees:*

ΕΚΟ S.A. 464

* The companies are the ones included in the Corporate Responsibility Report and the number of employees includes those on contracts of indefinite or fixed duration. For additional data on human resources, see indicators 102-8 & 405-1 .

Breakdown of total Group employees by gender

Breakdown of total Group employees by level of education

Remuneration & Benefits

At the Group, the remuneration system is designed so as to recognise and reward employees for their accomplishments and performance, as well as for the value that they bring to the company. The Group is committed to providing competitive salaries that are designed to, on one hand, attract, retain and motivate employees and, on the other hand, provide them with the skills required to succeed in all aspects of our business activity.

The remuneration policy is determined by the Corporate Collective Labour Agreements. For the staff entering the Corporate Collective Agreements, the remuneration is determined in the context of negotiations between the Company and the Union.

The Group has adopted a specific Remuneration Policy for its executives holding managerial positions, which is approved by the Remuneration and Succession Planning Committee for HELPE, while for the Subsidiaries, it is being approved by their Boards. This Policy provides, inter alia, for the definition of the framework of the overall annual remuneration and the way overall remuneration is split between fixed and variable remuneration. For the definition of the Remuneration Policy of the executives holding managerial positions, the best practices in the domestic labour market, following market research, and the most important factors that affect executives’ competitiveness and motivation are taken into account.

At the same time, we apply a benefits policy that provides meaningful support to our employees and their families. We are there to help at all times, providing support, safety and security. These benefits to the employees of the Group vary by company and by country.

Indicator 201-1 presents all benefits for employees, which in 2020 exceeded €31 mil. Also, the Group’s average employee retention rate (loyalty indicator) stood at 98.41% (indicator 401-1).

Additional Life & Health insurance and pension plans cover 92.12% and 85.42% of employees respectively (average rates).

All employees participate at the annual performance review for the assessment of their performance and the planning of actions to further improve their knowledge and develop their skills.

In 2020, all employees (Group average at 97.63%) were evaluated according to the integrated evaluation system. Indicator 404-3  provides detailed data per company in the Group.

  • 92.12%

    percentage of employees covered by additional Life & Health insurance

  • 85.42%

    percentage of employees participating in the Pension Plans

Balance between
Personal & Professional Life

For the purpose of achieving a balance between our employees’ professional and family life, we acknowledge the following benefits that promote a holistic professional-personal life balance:

  • Improved cooperation among employees and reduced friction
  • Greater employee and customer loyalty
  • Reduced absences due to illness
  • Enhanced reputation in the market
  • Constant development of team spirit and collegiality
  • Adoption of innovative organizational structures and synergies

Taking all the above into account, the Group has developed corporate policies and programs, such as:

  • Open door policy between management and employees
  • Intranet (internal electronic communication network) and Employee Suggestion Box*
  • Provision of meal to employees
  • Free-of-charge employee transport service from/to our facilities

* The Employee Suggestion Box (see  index 102-21) is a useful internal communication tool, as it offersemployees the opportunity to submit questions and proposals, anonymously, enabling dialogue between all levels of employees and the Management. In 2020,due to the pandemic emergency and the high rate of remote work, only 2 proposals were submitted. These proposals were thoroughly examined and out of them, one was utilised while the other is currently under consideration .

Education & Development

Our goal is to support actions in the field of Education and knowledge diffusion, aiming for the constant development and adaptation to the new conditions. Through constant training, our ambition is that all employees understand the strategic objectives of the Group, effectively identify their role in our joint effort to achieve progress, acquire further knowhow, and develop their professional skills in order to broaden their prospects in the field of their responsibilities.


Goals –Priorities

Our goal is to support actions in the field of Education and knowledge diffusion, aiming for the constant development and adaptation to the new conditions.


  • Redesigning of the HELPE Academy Development Programs into webinars, due to the special circumstances caused by COVID-19.
  • Enrichment of the Management Skills Development Program and expansion to more executives.
  • Enrichment of the “HELPe-learning” platform with general and specialised technical courses on Refining and Retail.


  • Continuation of the implementation of the “EDGE” and “Strengthening of Management Skills of Executives” Group-wide Development Programs offered by the HELPE Academy, according to plan.
  • Creation of an Internal Training Catalogue with modern training programs focusing on novel subjects.
  • Enrichment of the new human resources management system – HRis Training Library, with new asynchronous distance learning courses.
  • Implementation of Digital Transformation training programs in collaboration with the Digital Transformation Division
  • Implementation of the ‘Leadership Skill Development’ program for the technical personnel with administrative responsibilities (Supervisors, Coordinators and Foremen) in the Refinery Sites, in order to enhance performance and strengthen corporate culture.
  • Completion of the Sales Coaching program for sales executives in the Trade Division.
  • Design and implementation of new Training Programs, linked to training proposals that will result from performance evaluation.
  • Implementation of well-structured and systematic Induction Programs for newly recruited with parallel use of the “HRis” Training Library
  • Planning and implementation of executive training programs on Holistic Safety and other specialised technical training, in collaboration with the Refineries Division.

Group Training KPIs

2018 2019 2020 Goal
Percentage of
employees who
attended training




At least
the same
of employee
Average training
hours per
39 45 30* Average
training hours
remaining at last year’s level.
Estimate taking into account the prevailing circumstances
due to COVID-19

*The decrease in the average training hours is due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the total Group expenditure on training in 2020 amounted to €438,477 (€1,082,058 in 2019) involving 75,411 hours of training.

In addition, in the context of its Training Policy for 2020, the Group invested €906,047 in subscriptions to scientific journals and associations, and the enrichment of its corporate libraries.