


Welcome to the Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Report of the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group, which presents our performance on matters associated with the Society, Health, Safety and the Environment in 2020, as well as the most important events of the year.

Since 2005, the HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group has been publishing an annual Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility Report, with the aim of better informing and communicating with its stakeholders.

This year’s 16th annual edition presents the Group’s business performance in matters of the environment, the society and corporate governance (ESG) for the period from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020.

Our approach is aligned with the Group’s mission and values, and reflects the responsible way in which we view the fields of health and safety, ethical and transparent business practices, environmentally sustainable operations, a sound working environment and value creation for our stakeholders.

Aim and Scope of the Report

The reported data are consolidated at Group level, with minor exceptions in certain areas. Specifically, the environmental indicators are presented in detail for each of the Group’s business units.

In selecting the Group’s companies included in this Report, the following were taken into account:

  • the list of companies included in the Group’s consolidated financial statements (see Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2020, pp. 230-233) and
  •  the materiality assessment concerning sustainable development topics related to the Group’s activities (see Material Map) and their boundaries (see per material issue: GRI 103 “Management Approach”) according to a set of selection criteria, such as participation rate and control, impact and risks, volume of sales and number of employees.

Consequently, the information and data included in this Report refer to the following 10 companies
within the Group:

  2. ΕΚΟ S.A.,
  4.  DIAXON S.A.,



For the purpose of compiling this Report, since 2007 we have been using the GRI Standards and the “Oil & Gas Sector Supplement”, Sectoral Indices of Global Reporting Initiative (Comprehensive Level), as well as the 24 criteria of the Communication on Progress – CoP Report (Advanced Level) in the context of our compliance with the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

Also, the Group reports its data based on the 20 criteria of the Greek Sustainability Code (Level A), developed in the framework of the “Sustainable Greece 2020” Initiative. Since 2019, it has been utilizing the ATHEX “Guide for reporting non-financial information” (Advanced metrics & Sectorspecific metrics), seeking to achieve a more effective communication with investors through high-quality, comparable data.

Moreover, we recognize the importance of the “2030 Agenda”, which is the joint commitment by governments, businesses and citizens globally to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and we have committed ourselves to integrating them into all Group activities over the next decade, as well as to disseminating them among all of our stakeholders.

All indices, units of measurement, quantities and metrics stated in the Report correspond to measurements and data recorded in accordance with the best available practices, internationally accepted standards and international codes pertaining to the petroleum industry. There are no differences in measurement methods, compared with previous versions. There are no other restrictions, exceptions or changes, unless otherwise stated in the text.

Definition of Material ESG Topics

Based on the GRI Sustainable Development Standards and the Principles of Content Definition (stakeholder consultation), the Sustainability Framework, Materiality and Completeness, in 2020 we carried out a materiality analysis of the 20 recognized sustainable development topics related to the Group’s activities.

In order to assess the importance of these topics, the following actions were conducted:

  • two focus groups in Athens and Thessaloniki, with the participation of the main representatives from all stakeholder groups (see Stakeholder Groups),
  •  ten interviews with the main representatives of employees and local government representatives from the areas in which the Group operates,
  • an electronic survey involving the main representatives from all stakeholder groups (see Stakeholder Groups) and
  • an electronic survey involving executives of the Group.

The results of the prioritization were validated by the Group’s Management and mapping was completed (a combination of the Y & X Axis on the Materiality Map) with the emergence of 11 material ESG topics (see Materiality Map)

We regularly redefine our stakeholders, namely those who significantly influence and/or are influenced by the Group’s business activities. Apart from regular communication and the clearly defined framework of cooperation with them, we conduct focus groups, interviews and surveys in order to identify and evaluate material topics. In 2022, we intend to reexamine the materiality topics, increasing the sample of stakeholders, so that such topics can be turned into opportunities for the Group’s continued growth and sustainable development.

Readers of this Report may also find useful information and financial data about the Group in the 2020 Annual Report, the Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year 2020 and the Group’s website

Independent Body Certification

To ensure accuracy, completeness and reliability, this Report has been audited and verified – as a whole and for each separate material topic – by an independent, external certification body prior to its publication. The respective verification report can be found here.

The independent body that reviewed the Report certified the “in accordance with / Comprehensive” level, as per the requirements of the GRI Standards, and the fulfilment of the indicators of the Oil & Gas Sector Supplement. Also, it has been ensured that this Report satisfies the requirements of the UNGC’s CoP Report (Advanced Level).

Furthermore, the accuracy of the data is ensured through internal validation, audit processes and annual inspections by accredited certification bodies. These inspections and audits ensure that the Report is reliable, adequately balanced and relevant to the expectations and interests of the Group’s stakeholders.